Add Files Command (File Menu)
See Also
Access Rights
You must have the Add access right to use this command.
Specifies the folder that contains the files you want to add.
Displays all files in the selected folder.
List files of type
Lists the file type, or tells Dynamsoft SourceAnywhere Hosted how to classify a file.
The list of file types available is determined by the File Types Included In
File Group filter and the File Groups filter set on the File Types tab in the
Tools -> Options->File
Types Tab dialog box. All Files (*.*) lists all files in the current
Cancels the Add Files command and closes the dialog box.
Displays the Add File Comment dialog box allowing you to add the selected files or folder to the selected project.
Note: Some files may be rejected by Server, such as a file with the same
name as a file already exists in the project or the files excluded by
Server which are set in Server Manager.